Graduate School's Staff
Graduate school : egbsluniv-lillefr
- Head: Patrick Vermersch
- Deputy director: Sara Morley-Fletcher
- Coordinator: François Delcroix, +33 (0) 3 20 62 68 07
- Financial manager: Lila Madjour, +33 (0) 3 20 62 34 26
- Secretary: Marjorie Vandenhove, +33 (0) 3 20 62 34 27
Service hours
Monday to Friday - 09:00AM to 04:00PM
Other contacts:
University of Lille: Doctoral Affairs (defence)
Map (Graduate school)
Hosted and housed at Health campus, UFR3S - research building
Faculté de Médecine Pôle Recherche, 1 place de verdun, 59045 Lille cedex - France.