PhD key steps
PhD Plan overview
A research doctorate is awarded in recognition of original academic research.
To this end, a Thesis committee (CSI) supervises the progress of the doctoral work in addition to the supervisor. At least one member of the committee must be a Professor or a senior scientist from a research team that is different from that of the doctoral student or from an academic institution other than the University of Lille / North of France.
The official normal duration of the doctoral work is three years (exception in case of pregnancy leave or particular issues). Up to six years may be accepted in case of part-time doctorate work.
During your doctoral training you will be required to take didactic courses, which include teaching sessions and seminars related to your project. These courses correspond to 60 credits over the duration of the Doctorate. In addition, you may have to do several training sessions for career development organised within the framework of your doctoral school or doctoral college.
The Doctoral School must ensure that the body of work accomplished by the doctoral student is relevant and important to the scientific community. These criteria can be met if she/he is the first author of at least one paper published or in press in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, or has a patent application.
The Advice of the Thesis Committee is mandatory if registration for an additional year has to be solicited.
The defense (viva voce) will be preceded by a written evaluation of the Thesis by two outside reviewers, from an academic institution other than the University of Lille / North of France, who are selected by the student and his/her supervisor and approved by the Doctoral School. These reviewers will attend when possible the dissertation defense.
The examining jury shall comprise between 4 and 8 members, at least half of them from an academic institution other than the University of Lille / North of France. Half of the jury members must be Professors, or assimilated staff (e.g. Research Directors and Senior Research Fellows) under the terms of decree dated May 25th, 2016.
Candidates who have satisfactorily passed their defense/viva are awarded the Doctorate degree in the specialty in which they carried out their research. Authorization for the publication of the thesis is granted on the advice of the chairman of the jury.