Journée André Verbert 2023 - Colloque des doctorants BSL
Lauréats des Prix de la JAV23
Le Prix de la Session "Françoise Barré-Sinoussi" revient à
BOIDIN Léa (ONCO-THAI - sous la direction de Nadira DELHEM) - Evaluation of the Potential of FR⍺-targeted Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) to Treat Epithalial Ovarian Cancers and Induce Immunogenic Cell Death
financée sur contrat par la Ligue contre le cancer
Le Prix de la Session Session "Jules Hoffman" revient à
BENLAKEHAL Ryma (UGSF - sous la direction de Sara MORLEY-FLETCHER & Anne HARDUIN-LEPERS) - Study of maternal mediated mechanisms in the epigenetic programming induced by maternal stress: transgenerational transmission and oxytocin.
financée sur contrat doctoral par la Région Hauts-de-France et l'Université de Lille
Le Prix de la Session Session "Emmanuelle Charpentier" revient à
THEERENS Emma (IMPECS - sous la direction de GARCON Guillaume & DEVOS David) - Air pollution-derived ultrafine particles induce neurological disorders in differentiated human dopaminergic neuronal LUHMES cells and BALB/c mice.
financée sur contrat doctoral par la Région Hauts-de-France et l'Université de Lille
Les Prix de la Session Session "François Gros" reviennent à
VAN OUTRYVE Alexandre (CANTHER - sous la direction de TOILLON Robert-Alain & CLERI Fabrizio) - Deciphering TrkA/CD44v3 signaling in triple negative breast cancer
financé sur contrat doctoral par l'Université de Lille
ROYER Félix (CANTHER - sous la direction de SENEZ Vincent & VAN SEUNINGEN Isabelle) - Development of an instrumented microfluidic system to study chemosensitivity in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
financé sur contrat doctoral par l'Union Europénne (PEARL - Actions Marie Sklodowska-Curie)
Accueil des participants
à partir de 09h00, Hall du Pôle Recherche
Message d'accueil de la Direction de l'ED BSL et du Comité d'Organisation de la JAV 2023
- Pr Malika HAMDANE
09h20 - Session "Françoise Barré-Sinoussi"
- BOIDIN Léa - Evaluation of the Potential of FR⍺-targeted Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) to Treat Epithalial Ovarian Cancers and Induce Immunogenic Cell Death
- EL MASRI Yara - Role of oxidative stress in obesity-induced cardiac remodeling
- HAMIDI Salim - Design and evaluation of a crosslinked chitosan-based scaffold containing hyaluronic acid for the articular cartilage tissue engineering
- FERMONT Léa - Unraveling Starch Synthesis: Unveiling Key Enzymes through Genetics in Chromera velia
- MARGELIDON-COZZOLINO Victor - Dog allergen-induced murine model of asthma: a model for severe asthma?
- HAAS Manon - Role of neurovascular uncoupling in cognitive decline induced by metabolic disturbances: vascular explorations in a mice model
10h40 - Pause café
11h00 - Session "Jules Hoffman"
- LAGACHE Laurine - Visualising the molecular interaction network-level heterogeneity of malignant tumours by mass spectrometric imaging
- BLONDEL Chloé - hypothalamic FXR: a new actor of brain insulin signaling impacting peripheral glucose metabolism?
- CHAIBI Fatima-Zahra - Identification and optimization of new covalent reversible inhibitors of the 3CL protease of SARS-CoV-2
- GARNIER Nathalie - miRNA Biogenesis and SARS-CoV-2 Infection
- BENLAKEHAL Ryma - Study of maternal mediated mechanisms in the epigenetic programming induced by maternal stress: transgenerational transmission and oxytocin.
- PONZONI Adele-Asia - Untargeted spatial metabolomic analysis - Novel analysis approach for biomarker discovery in AS-associated Inflammatory Bowel Disease preclinical model
12h20 - Pause déjeuner menus sandwichs disponibles dans l'Atrium
13h30 - Session "Emmanuelle Charpentier"
- ZIANE CHAOUCHE Lydia - Development of activated CAR macrophages for an anti-tumor immunotherapy strategy
- GOUJON Marine - MUC1 roles on properties of lung cancer cell and cisplatin chemoresistance.
- RIVOAL Morgane - Three strategies to target the Ser-Thr kinase RIPK2 for the treatment of inflammatory diseases
- PIERRE Alexandre - Long-term muscle weakness and mitochondrial dysfunction are independent of calorie restriction in a cecal slurry injection model of sepsis survivors
- THEERENS Emma - Air pollution-derived ultrafine particles induce neurological disorders in differentiated human dopaminergic neuronal LUHMES cells and BALB/c mice
14h30 - Présentations YPL & Bioaddoct
14h55 - Session "François Gros"
- VAN OUTRYVE Alexandre - Deciphering TrkA/CD44v3 signaling in triple negative breast cancer
- ROYER Félix - Development of an instrumented microfluidic system to study chemosensitivity in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
- LE TANNO Christina - Aortic endothelial cells response to different types of flow using a microfluidic system
- GELLE Carla - Screening Alzheimer's genetic risk factors against amyloid-βeta synaptotoxicity
- IMBERT Sébastien - Comparative study of sport socialization and the place of a dual career in French international women's rugby union and sevens
15h55 - Pause café
16h30 - Session de clôture " Rosalind Elsie Franklin"
Conférence "La chimie des odeurs et des saveurs : quand le cerveau nous mène par le bout du nez"
Pr. Bernard Sablonnière, Professeur émérite (Université de Lille)
Salle des congrès - Pôle Recherche de la Faculté de Médecine